Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Anthropology Understanding Subsistance Patterns - 1304 Words

Horticulture is defined as the production of plants using a simple nonmechanized technology (Nanda and Warms 2006:148), while Websters Dictionary defines horticulture as the art or science of growing fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, or trees. When most people think of horticulture, they simply think of gardening or farming. Most people do not associate horticulture with culture itself or how horticulture relates to anthropology, or the study human culture. In all actuality, horticulture is a major part of cultural anthropology. The groups that hunt and grow food, and the associated eating rituals or ceremonies associated with food differs by culture or environment. This paper will discuss the subsistence pattern of horticulture as†¦show more content†¦(Carvalho et al. 1989:239) The Yanomamo Indians of the Amazon rain forest are organized by patrilineal kinship relationships, patrilineal descent from ancestors, and marriage exchanges between kinship/descent groups. In the Yanomamo tribes, the men are the leaders. The male leaders positions are mostly because of marriage patterns and kinship. Yanomamo people often participate in arranged marriages and the tribesmen often take multiple wives. In addition to polygamy, cross cousin marriages are also a part of the Yanomamo culture. Woman are more or less possessions in the Yanomami culture and the males position of power or importance is often rated or scaled based on the number of wives he has. The woman spend most of their time fetching water, caring for their children, and visiting with one another. The woman of the tribe often spend a good deal of time weaving baskets and other small crafts and also engage to some degree in fishing. The other main responsibilities include cooking, gathering firewood and berries and fruits. The men of the tribe are responsible for the distribution of food for the Yanomamo people. Males do the majority of the fishing and hunting and while they do not eat the anim als they hunt, rather they share their meat with others within the tribe. The favor is returned by other male hunters within the tribe. Male Yanomamis also spend time

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